My Project Manager

My Project Manager
   developed by

   Git System
Git System provides software solutions,Git others software like My Assistant,web Based Crm are helps you to manage your business in a simple way


Contractor's success depends on how well they manage their projects especially when there is a thin margin to play with in this competitive market. "Project Manager Software" helps you to manage your business projects precisely. Large projects can be divided into small tasks and can be assigned to the appropriate person to manage. "Project Manager Software" can handle any number of projects simultaneously from estimate to final invoicing. The main part of this software are maintaining project lists, creating detailed estimate, follow up on Bids and quotes, tracking job orders and scheduling job tasks, scheduling crews (manpower), Material and equipment management, Daily log data entry, Accounts and invoicing, payable/receivable.

Project Manager Software provides a web-based collaboration system to manage the large number of project list including contact list, vendor list easy to use, edit, sort and search or maintain complex information. The system allows project members to access, distribute, and track all projects or their own individual projects using one central system.

This function allows managers to view all their projects and the status of the projects per person or per project. Assignment of the projects makes it easier for the manager to handle the complicated work flow. The security level can be set on each individual to protect the database of the company by giving selective permissions e.g. Data entry person can have permission to enter the database only limiting the person from deleting and editing the records.

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