My Project Manager

Estimates: this function allows estimators to break large projects into small tasks and estimate each task to provide more accurate estimate and easy to manage workflow. This allows the estimators to complete more estimates and detailed bids in a fraction of the time, Increases efficiency and speed across the estimating process. This function allows you to figure out material, equipment, and labor cost for each and every single task with speed and accuracy.

These solutions provide functionality for Purchase Orders, track Orders, delivery schedule, labour schedule and equipment schedule which can help you save time and simplify workflow and improve communication between estimators, accounting and project managers. This function further gives you options:

Variable CostThis function allows estimators to divide large projects in to categorized small tasks and find out costs for material, labour, rentals, trucking, sub contracts and more.

Fixed CostThis function allows management and admin staff to set up indirect cost to make it easier for estimators to figure out other costs on top of direct cost.

Comparison with Competitors bidsThis unique functionality allows estimators to see and compare their bids to other competitors' bids.

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